[👨‍🎓🇻🇳] Trọn bộ 60 từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề trái cây – LangGo

Tổng hợp trọn bộ 60 từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề trái cây. Học từ vựng tiếng Anh thật đơn giản và dễ dàng với phiên âm quốc tế giúp bạn phát âm chuẩn ngay từ lần học đầu tiên. Bài viết còn cung cấp các kiến thức về loại trái cây ưa thích giúp tiết lộ cá tính thật của bạn. Xem ngay nhé!

Trọn bộ 60 từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề trái cây - Top1Learn



  1. Avocado: /¸ævə´ka:dou/: bơ

  2. Apple: /’æpl/: táo

  3. Orange: /ɒrɪndʒ/: cam

  4. Banana: /bə’nɑ:nə/: chuối

  5. Grape: /greɪp/: nho

  6. Grapefruit (or pomelo) /’greipfru:t/: bưởi

  7. Starfruit: /’stɑ:r.fru:t/: khế

  8. Mango: /´mæηgou/: xoài

  9. Pineapple: /’pain,æpl/: dứa, thơm

  10. Mangosteen: /ˈmaŋgəstiːn/: măng cụt

  11. Mandarin (or tangerine): /’mændərin/: quýt

  12. Kiwi fruit: /’ki:wi:fru:t/: kiwi

  13. Kumquat: /’kʌmkwɔt/: quất

  14. Jackfruit: /’dʒæk,fru:t/: mít

  15. Durian: /´duəriən/: sầu riêng

  16. Lemon: /´lemən/: chanh vàng

  17. Lime: /laim/: chanh vỏ xanh

  18. Papaya (or pawpaw): /pə´paiə/: đu đủ

  19. Soursop: /’sɔ:sɔp/: mãng cầu xiêm

  20. Custard-apple: /’kʌstəd,æpl/: mãng cầu (na)

  21. Plum: /plʌm/: mận

  22. Apricot: /ˈæ.prɪ.kɒt/: mơ

  23. Peach: /pitʃ/: đào

  24. Cherry: /´tʃeri/: anh đào

  25. Sapota: sə’poutə/: sapôchê

  26. Rambutan: /ræmˈbuːtən/: chôm chôm

  27. Coconut: /’koukənʌt/: dừa

  28. Guava: /´gwa:və/: ổi

  29. Pear: /peə/: lê

  30. Fig: /fig/: sung

  31. Dragon fruit: /’drægənfru:t/: thanh long

  32. Melon: /´melən/: dưa

  33. Watermelon: /’wɔ:tə´melən/: dưa hấu

  34. Lychee (or litchi): /’li:tʃi:/: vải

  35. Longan: /lɔɳgən/: nhãn

  36. Pomegranate: /´pɔm¸grænit/: lựu

  37. Berry: /’beri/: dâu

  38. Strawberry: /ˈstrɔ:bəri/: dâu tây

  39. Passion-fruit: /´pæʃən¸fru:t/: chanh dây

  40. Persimmon: /pə´simən/: hồng

  41. Tamarind: /’tæmərind/: me

  42. Cranberry: /’krænbəri/: quả nam việt quất

  43. Jujube: /´dʒu:dʒu:b/: táo ta

  44. Dates: /deit/: quả chà là

  45. Green almonds: /gri:n ‘ɑ:mənd/: quả hạnh xanh

  46. Ugli fruit: /’ʌgli’fru:t/: quả chanh vùng Tây Ấn

  47. Citron: /´sitrən/: quả thanh yên

  48. Currant: /´kʌrənt/: nho Hy Lạp

  49. Ambarella: /’æmbə’rælə/: cóc

  50. Indian cream cobra melon: /´indiən kri:m ‘koubrə ´melən/: dưa gang

  51. Granadilla: /,grænə’dilə/: dưa Tây

  52. Cantaloupe: /’kæntəlu:p/: dưa vàng

  53. Honeydew: /’hʌnidju:/: dưa xanh

  54. Malay apple: /mə’lei ‘æpl/: điều

  55. Star apple: /’stɑ:r ‘æpl/: vú sữa

  56. Almond: /’a:mənd/: quả hạnh

  57. Chestnut: /´tʃestnʌt/: hạt dẻ

  58. Honeydew melon: /’hʌnidju: ´melən/: dưa bở ruột xanh

  59. Blackberries: /´blækbəri/: mâm xôi đen

  60. Raisin: /’reizn/: nho khô

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B. What's Your Favorite Fruit – Loại trái cây ưa thích tiết lộ tính cách của bạn

Fruit, That Suits Your Personality
Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. You won’t realize this fact but actually the fruit you eat, reflects your personality. It tells about your inner soul and also about your outer self. Here are some of the fruits based on your personality. Choose the fruit that suits your personality in the best possible way.

What's Your Favorite Fruit – Trái cây ưa thích của bạn là gì?
Trái cây ưa thích tiết lộ cá tính thật của bạn
Ăn trái cây cung cấp các lợi ích sức khỏe-những người ăn nhiều trái cây và rau quả như là một phần của một chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh tổng thể có khả năng để có một giảm nguy cơ của một số bệnh mãn tính. Bạn sẽ không nhận ra thực tế này, nhưng thực sự là trái cây bạn ăn, phản ánh cá tính của bạn. Nó nói về linh hồn bên trong của bạn và cũng về tự bên ngoài của bạn. Dưới đây là một số loại trái cây dựa trên tính cách của bạn. Hãy chọn loại trái cây phù hợp với cá tính của bạn theo cách tốt nhất có thể.



All the coconut lovers are very serious, thoughtful, and reflective. You enjoy every company you are in. You tend to be a bit stubborn at times that make you move a bit far from your friends. You ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario, especially at work and your alertness makes you do so. Beauty is not everything for you and you simply want a person with brain. Thought the combination of beauty with brain is the best for anyone but still you prefer brain over beauty.



This is a very common fruit among the crowd but if this is your favourite one then you probably are a bit extravagant and an outspoken person. In tough and difficult situations, you have the ability of taking quick decisions. Travelling is your passion and you enjoy doing it for most of the time. You gain a charming personality whenever you are with your partner. Moving on in life with full enthusiasm is the demand in today’s era and this is what you do.



Life is not so sweet for you if cherry is your favourite fruit. Ups and downs have now become a part of your life, especially in the professional front. You just settle down with small chunks of money when you can make lump sums in certain situations. You have a great imaginative power and your creative nature makes you popular among the group. You find it difficult in expressing your feelings to your partner but you are always a sincere and a loyal partner.



Your favourite fruit mango makes you a tough man to be handled by others. You are fixed at your thinking and so it becomes to take for anyone to influence you. Your likes and dislikes are a bit different from others and you go at extremes in handling any situation. In the end of the situation, you always get good results. You love to accept mental challenges and are always up to them. You gather all the strong will necessary from elsewhere to accommodate the love of your life.



The fruit banana gives you a soft and gentle personality. You are a bit sympathetic and warm by nature. A bit timid by nature and also a bit low in self-confidence, you often feel low because of your personality. People often take advantage of your sweet nature. You respect your partner in all ways possible whether physically or mentally. You have made your relationship a very successful one because of your personality.



You enjoy the fruit peach and also the juice of life. You are very frank in the crowd and so are also good at making friends. This frankness adds up to your charm. You have set high values for your friendship and other relationships. The ambitious power in you helps you go much further in life. You are the ideal lover and very passionate about your love. You like to keep your relationships a bit personal and do not to show off in the public.



You haven’t made fear as your weakness and so you are truly fearless and take whatever comes to your way. Before doing anything in life, you first give it a thought, note down the pros and cons and then go ahead. You are fond of exploring new things in your life and like to meet new people. This makes a large social network of yours. People with opposite sex get attracted to your charming and frank personality.



If this is your favourite fruit, then you tend to have an enduring patience and willpower. You are a perfectionist and take time to complete things but once you do it, no one can do it better. The hard work you put in also helps you a lot. You are a bit shy by nature but are also very reliable and trustworthy among your friends. You are not with your partner just for a fling but you love them from the bottom of your heart. You don’t want to get into a conflict and try avoiding it at all costs.


9. PEAR – LÊ

You initiate a particular task with full enthusiasm but the enthusiasm level drops slowly as you move ahead and this makes a bit difficult for you in finishing the desired task. You enjoy putting up your knowledge in group discussions as it gives you mental stimulation. You tend to be a restless and high-strung person, and are easily excitable. You make friends easily but it then becomes very difficult for you in maintaining it. You need to care for your friends without any selfish reason.



If your favourite fruit is pineapple, then you have quick decision making power and you act on your decisions quicker. If you look a career change as an advantage then you immediately go for it and don’t wait much. It becomes a bit tough for you to make friends initially but once you make them, you keep them for lifetime. Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.

Học từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ đề trái cây thật thú vị phải không? Không chỉ biết thêm nhiều kiến thức về trái cây mà còn khám phá cả tá tính cách của bản thân nữa. Top1Learn chúc bạn học tốt tiếng Anh!

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